Welcome to the Natural Sciences Launchpad#


This is an all-in-one place for the essential information you will need to prepare for the start of term and to the start of your undergraduate journey. For the First Steps, you will be able to find basic introduction to UCL, the Natural Sciences programme and the programme tutors who are your go-to personnel for any course-related problems you might encounter. Under Streams, you can find out more about the possible major and minor academic themes you can pursue in Natural Sciences. The section on Foundation Modules provides more details on the specific modules you will need to choose to continue to the streams you want. We have also included some general UCL-related information to show you a tip of the UCL iceberg and start you off on your own exploration. There’s no pressure to go through everything. Just have a look at what interest you the most and helpful to your stream decisions. New info will be released weekly so do remember to check back from time to time!

Dr Amy Unsworth, your year one tutor, giving a brief hello and introduction!