NSCI0007 Practice Exam 1

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Genome Sequencing

A genome is an organism’s complete set of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a chemical compound that contains the genetic instructions needed to develop and direct the activities of every organism. A strand of DNA is made of four chemical units, called nucleotide bases. The bases are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C).

In this assessment you will use a method similar to the Human Genome Project to sequence DNA. In a laboratory, a strand of DNA is duplicated several times, then all the strands are broken into smaller, overlapping fragments. The bases of the smaller fragments are determined and entered into a file. The goal of this assessment is to reconstruct a full DNA strand from the set of DNA fragments.

The basic operation is to process all the fragments by matching two fragments and merging them into a new fragment. This process decreases the number of fragments by one since two fragments are merged into one. The match/merge operation is repeated until there is only one fragment left - this will be the original DNA - or until no further matches are possible.

Our starting point is a list of strings, each string representing a DNA fragment:

['tgaaaattcctttctattttaggccc', 'tgaaaattcctttctattttaggcccatgcaat', 'ggcattagggcggttaa', 'atgcaatggcattagggcggttaa', 'ggttaa', 'tgaaaattcctttctattt', 'taggcccatgcaatggcattagggc']

We identify a pair of strings where the end of one string matches the start of the other.


A new string is formed by merging the two together:


The pair of strings are then replaced by the merged string in the list.

This process is repeated until no further matches are possible.

Question 1 [7]

The overlap between two strings x and y is the largest number n such that the last n characters of x are the same as the first n characters of y.

  • Write a function overlap(x, y) which returns the overlap between strings x and y

  • Test your function using the code below.

n1 = overlap("XXXABC", "ABCYYY")
n2 = overlap("ABCYYY", "XXXABC")
n3 = overlap("XXXABC", "ABC")
print(n1, n2, n3)
3 0 3

Question 2 [5]

  • Write a function merge(x, y) which returns a string formed by overlapping the two strings x and y.

  • Test your function using the code below.

s1 = merge("XXXABC", "ABCYYY")
s2 = merge("ABCYYY", "XXXABC")
s3 = merge("XXXABC", "ABC")
print(s1, s2, s3)

Question 3 [10]

  • Write a function longest_overlap(string_list) which returns a list [i, j, k] of three integers.

The function should loop over every pair of strings in string_list to determine the pair with the largest overlap. It should return a list [i, j, k] where i and j are the indices of the two strings in string_list and k is the overlap. (It may be the case that more than one pair has the largest overlap. In this case your function may return any of those pairs).

  • Test your function with the code below.

i, j, k = longest_overlap(["XXXABC", "ABCYYY", "BC"])
print(i, j, k)
0 1 3

Question 4 [10]

Write a Python function identify_strand(fragment_list, n) which repeatedly applies the longest_overlap function to the list fragment_list. At each iteration, if the longest overlap is n or greater, then the code should:

  1. remove the two identified strings from the list.

  2. merge the two strings and append the merged string to the list.

The function should terminate when the list contains only a single string OR the longest overlap is strictly less than n.

The function should then return the list.

Hint: Use the del keyword to remove an item from a list. For example, del x[4] removes the item at index 4 from the list x. Be very careful to remove the items in the correct order!

Test your function with the code below:

simple_dna = ['tgaaaattcctttctattttaggccc', 'tgaaaattcctttctattttaggcccatgcaat', 'ggcattagggcggttaa', 'atgcaatggcattagggcggttaa', 'ggttaa', 'tgaaaattcctttctattt', 'taggcccatgcaatggcattagggc']
s = identify_strand(simple_dna, 4)

Question 5 [8]

The following three text files each contains a set of DNA fragments. For each file:

  • Read the DNA fragments into a Python list (ignore any lines starting '>').

  • Use the function identify_strand to reconstruct and print the DNA strand (assume the desired strand is the longest one)
