2. Computing with Graphs#

In this section we learn how to use a computer to perform the analysis of graphs studied in Section 1. The main goal is to develop an algorithm which computes path distances between nodes in a graph, by implementing a variant of the breadth first search algorithm.

2.1. Graph Representation#

In Python, we can represent a graph’s adjacency list as a list-of-lists, where the element at index i is a list containing the nodes connected directly to node i.

For example, consider the directed graph of the C Elegans egg-laying circuit. The nodes have been labelled 0 to 6 rather than 1 to 7, in order to conform with Python’s zero indexing convention.


The graph’s adjacency list is given by:

c_elegans_graph = [[1, 2, 3], [0, 3], [3, 4, 6], [], [3], [3, 6], [2, 3, 5]]

The neighbours of node i (the nodes connected directly by a directed edge from node i) are simply the ith element of c_elegans_graph:

i = 5
print("Node", i, "is connected directly to :", c_elegans_graph[i])
Node 5 is connected directly to : [3, 6]

We can use this adjacency list representation to answer local questions about the graph. For example, to determine whether node i is directly connected to node j, we can use the python in keyword.

def is_directly_connected(adj, i, j):
    return j in adj[i] # returns True if j in adj[i]

i = 0
j = 5

print("Node", i, "is directly connected to node", j, ":",
    is_directly_connected(c_elegans_graph, i, j))
Node 0 is directly connected to node 5 : False

2.2. Walks and Paths#

Recall that a length-\(n\) walk is a sequence of \(n+1\) nodes connected by \(n\) edges in a graph. A length-1 walk is simply two nodes directly connected by an edge, so the nodes that can be reached from node i by a length-1 walk are the nodes in the ith element of the adjacency list.

We can extend this idea to consider length-2 walks. Which nodes can be reached starting at node i and following exactly two edges? In other words which nodes can be reached via a length-2 walk from node i?

The function length_2_walk_nodes(adj, i) below returns a list of nodes that can be reached from node i by a length-2 walk. The outer for loop iterates over each of the neighbours of node i; the inner loop interates over the neighbours of the neighbours of node i. To avoid repetitions, each node found is only added to node_list if doesn’t already exist in the list.

def length_2_walk_nodes(adj, i):
    node_list = []
    for j in adj[i]:
        for k in adj[j]:
            if not k in node_list:
    return node_list

length_2_walk_nodes(c_elegans_graph, 0)
[0, 3, 4, 6]

Exercise 2.1

Write a function length_3_walk_nodes(adj, i) which returns all nodes reachable via a length-3 walk from node i. Check that it works in the case of node 0 of the egg-laying circuit.

2.3. Path Distance#

The path distance between two nodes in a graph is the number of edges in the shortest path between them.

The goal of this section is to develop a Python function which determines the path distance between nodes in a graph. In other words, given an adjacency list of a graph, and two nodes i and j, what is the length of the shortest path between them?

Consider the following proposed algorithm:

  1. If i == j then they are the same node and the shortest path has length zero.

  2. Otherwise, determine all nodes reachable by a length-1 walk from node i. If j is amongst these nodes then the shortest path has length 1.

  3. Otherwise, determine all nodes reachable by a length-2 walk from node i. If j is amongst these nodes then the shortest path has length 2.

  4. Continue in this manner until node j is reached.

Unfortunately this algorithm as described cannot in be implemented in Python!

Exercise 2.2

Why do you think it is impossible to write a program which works in this manner? (Hint: what would a function length_n_walk_nodes(adj, i, n) look like?)

Instead, we will construct an algorithm based on breadth first search.