NSCI0007 Practice Exam 1¶
Specimen Answers and Mark Scheme¶
The specimen code below demonstrates one way to correctly answer the questions.
Full marks will be awarded if the candidate has implemented another suitable method and the code behaves as specified in the question.
If the candidate’s code produces an error, or does not behave as specified in the question, partial credit will be awarded as described in the mark scheme.
Where a candidate has used a different method to below, partial credit will be awarded in an analogous way.
Question 1 [7]¶
def overlap(x, y):
n = min(len(x), len(y))
for i in range(n, 0, -1):
if x[-i:] == y[:i]:
return i
return 0
n1 = overlap("XXXABC", "ABCYYY")
n2 = overlap("ABCYYY", "XXXABC")
n3 = overlap("XXXABC", "ABC")
print(n1, n2, n3)
# [2] find minimum of length of two strings
# [1] appropriate looping construct
# [2] if statement with correct string indexing
# [2] tests pass and function behaves as specified
3 0 3
Question 2 [5]¶
def merge(x, y):
i = overlap(x, y)
return x + y[i:]
s1 = merge("XXXABC", "ABCYYY")
s2 = merge("ABCYYY", "XXXABC")
s3 = merge("XXXABC", "ABC")
print(s1, s2, s3)
# [1] call overlap function
# [2] calculate merged string
# [2] tests pass and function behaves as specified
Question 3 [10]¶
def longest_overlap(sequences):
max_overlap = 0
max_i = 0
max_j = 0
for i in range(len(sequences)):
for j in range(len(sequences)):
if i != j:
d = overlap(sequences[i], sequences[j])
if d > max_overlap:
max_overlap = d
max_i = i
max_j = j
return [max_i, max_j, max_overlap]
i, j, k = longest_overlap(["XXXABC", "ABCYYY", "BC"])
print(i, j, k)
# [1] declare max variables
# [2] two nested for loops
# [1] test for i=j
# [1] call overlap function
# [1] check for maximum
# [1] update max values
# [1] return list of values
# [2] tests pass and function behaves as specified
0 1 3
Question 4 [10]¶
def identify_strand(sequences, n):
i, j, d = longest_overlap(sequences)
while d >= n:
z = merge(sequences[i], sequences[j])
del sequences[max(i, j)]
del sequences[min(i, j)]
i, j, d = longest_overlap(sequences)
return sequences
# [2] suitable looping construct with correct condition for termination
# [1] call merge function
# [3] remove two items in correct order
# [1] append merged string to list
# [1] call longest_overlap function
# [2] tests pass and function behaves as specified
sequences = ['tgaaaattcctttctattttaggccc', 'tgaaaattcctttctattttaggcccatgcaat', 'ggcattagggcggttaa', 'atgcaatggcattagggcggttaa', 'ggttaa', 'tgaaaattcctttctattt', 'taggcccatgcaatggcattagggc']
identify_strand(sequences, 4)
Question 5 [8]¶
sequence_list = []
with open("dna_fragments/strand_100.fasta") as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] != ">":
s = identify_strand(sequence_list, 4)
sequence_list = []
with open("dna_fragments/strand_200.fasta") as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] != ">":
s = identify_strand(sequence_list, 4)
print(s[-1]) # longest string is last one in list
sequence_list = []
with open("dna_fragments/strand_500.fasta") as f:
for line in f:
if line[0] != ">":
s = identify_strand(sequence_list, 4)
print(s[1]) #longest string is last one in list
# [1] correctly open file
# [1] loop over lines
# [2] form list of strands ommiting lines starting '>'
# [1] call identify_strand
# [1] identify longest one (OK to do this by eye but must be commented or otherwise identified)
# [2] repeat for the other two files (could be loop or repeated code)