Welcome to Mathematics for Natural Sciences A

Welcome to Mathematics for Natural Sciences A

These notes are designed for you to follow the content in NSCI0005.

In these notes we will cover:

  • Complex numbers

    • Definitions and extending the real numbers

    • Cartesian and polar form

    • Exponential form and Euler formula

    • Finding complex roots

    • de Moivre’s theorem

    • Relationship between trignometric functions and hyperbolic functions

  • Sequences, series and convergences

    • Sequences and recurrence relations

    • Series as summing a sequence

    • Limits of series and infinities

    • Series convergence tests - Preliminary, Ratio, Comparison

  • Vectors and Matrices

    • Vector notation

    • Vector equation of a line

    • Scalar and vector equations of a plane

    • Matrix algebra

    • Matrix determinants

    • Matrix inverses

  • Differentiation and Integration

    • Arc length

    • Solids of revolution - surface area and volume

    • Reduction formulae

    • Partial differentiation

    • Multi-variable chain rule

    • Stationary points and saddles

  • 1st and 2nd order differential equations (ODEs)

    • Seperable 1st order systems of ODEs

    • Integrating factor method for 1st order systems

    • Seperable partial differential equations (PDEs)

    • Homogeneous 2nd order systems

    • Inhomogeneous 2nd order systems